상품명 Seoul GoT Trip - GoT101 Kyungbok Palace + Bukchon + Lunch + Guide
숙박지명 호텔정보 없음
및 요금

Duration : From 10:00 to 14:00
Frequency : Everyday except on Tuesday
Minimum Participants : 2 persons
Fare : 90USD Per Person
Including : Entrance fee, lunch, and Guide
Meeting point : In front of the Statue of King Sejong at Gwanghuamun Square

상담담당 KANG. Sukwoo - hmp55@naver.com / +82 (0)10 8934 7518
기본일정 및
10:00 : Meet our guide in front of the Statue of King Sejong
            at Gwanghuamun Square(refer to the picture on the left picture below)
10:10 - 11:30 : Trip on Kyungbok Palace
11:40 : Move to Bukchon, the traditional village
12:00 : Lunch
13:00 : Bukchon Trip
14:00 : End of Trip

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